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Neb-B Abolisher    

Nebulon-B class Frigate
Image by Ian Jones

Name: Abolisher
Class: Nebulon-B class Frigate
Patrol System: N/A (mobile throughout the galaxy)
Oversector: N/A (mobile throughout the galaxy)

Commanding Officer: Commodore Sam Ferrey
First Officer: N/A

Squadron: Imperturbable Squadron
Squadron Composition: Neb-B Abolisher (Ship of the line), ISD Emancipator, ISD Flashfire, ISD Gladiator, ISD Kingmaker

Assigned Flight Squadrons: N/A
Flight Squadron Commanding Officer: N/A

Assigned Personnel: Lieutenant Kevin Stankiewicz, Sub-Lieutenant Grace Ferrey, Ensign Michael Dollin, Ensign Maureen Light

Operational History: The Abolisher fought in a battle in a short battle with a Rebel Nebulon B Frigate at the Kishron system, in the Outer-Rim Territories. Using superior tactics to gain a superior position, Captain Ferrey destroyed the ship. His victory was not without cost, however. Heavy damage was done to his ship. The ship had 5 hull breaches, and 103 men were killed in the breaches. In spite of all this, crew morale was not dampened. There were many curfew violations that night from victory parties.

Because of Captain Ferrey's victory, the ship formerly known as the Hull Number 2689-NBF-8530 was given a name- the Abolisher. Captain Ferrey was promoted to Line Captain. The ship was then taken off patrol duty in the Outer-Rim and reassigned, at Emperor Piett's personal request, to his personal fleet, under the command of Grand Admiral Hayden.

Although one of the smallest vessels in Admiral Piett's fleet, the Abolisher alone stands as an example in weapons targeting. The crews are the most precise and finest gunners in the fleet. They prefer to render the target helpless by attacking laser emplacements. The gunners can also surgically attack weak spots in the target's ship.

Since that time, the Abolisher has destroyed two other Nebulon B-Frigates and a Corellian Corvette.

* * *

Ensign Stankiewicz was a gunnery officer on the Abolisher, promoted to this rank because of excellent targeting skills.


He was instrumental during the Abolisher's first battle with a Rebel Nebulon B Frigate. The Ensign fought with bravery and courage throughout the whole battle. However, his greatest moment was when he launched a barrage at the Rebel bridge communication module, destroying it. This meant that the beleaguered frigate could not call for reinforcements. He sustained great personal harm when a Y-Wing made a suicide run for his turret, but he survived. Ensign Stankiewicz was promoted to Lieutenant, and given command of the ship's left quadrant of weaponry (3 laser cannons and three turbolaser cannons). Due to his further excellent performance, and the addition of a Gunnery Leader course to his repertoire of expertise, he was transferred to the forward quadrant, with 6 turbo- and laser cannons to administer. Following the transfer of the former gunnery commander, Lieutenant Stankiewicz was chosen to supervise the entire gunnery sector of the ship- 12 laser and 12 turbolaser guns.

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Sub-Lieutenant Grace Ferrey was an officer commanding one of the tractor beams on the Abolisher. After the demise of the commander of the Abolisher's detention block, she was promoted to this officer's position, following the position and rank of her hero, the late Lieutenant Shann Childson, who commanded Detention Block AA-23 aboard the Death Star. Later, after Lieutenant Stankiewicz was transferred to the front weapons quadrant, she was placed in charge of his old command, the left quadrant.

* * *

After graduating from the Academy, Maureen Light was given the rank of Ensign. She has served her position as as bridge communication officer faithfully since she was placed there.


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